Life was going on smoothly for all five of us.
As it is rightly said that time is never same and our destiny had already been decided. My father had high fever and was not keeping well in those days. He was taking medicines but still his health was getting down day by day. On 9th Aug’93, he asked me to accompany him in UHD 999, to OBC where he showed me how to withdraw cash using cheque. We were waiting with a token for our turn to come as ATMs were not there, and we withdrew around Rs 10000.We came back home and he had pomegranate juice in the afternoon. Janmashtami was there in the next week. On the evening of 9th August, my father suddenly became restless. My mom asked honey and babu to leave for my nana’s place to call them immediately as we hardly had telephones in our home. She asked them to board the first bus in the morning with my grandparents, on the very next day. After every now and then people were enquiring about dad’s health. And I was just keeping my fingers crossed that all should go well. By 6pm he was taken to hospital and was admitted there. Mummy and Biji accompanied him. I was alone with my younger brother who was not aware of the hour which was about to come. I had not slept well on that day. In the morning I woke up early, waiting for mummy and daddy to come. Kuch hulchul si thi mann mei…. It was seven in the evening and then eight and I was roaming around in the corridor peeping from the first floor to see whether mummy is there or not. It was nine, the maid had come, I had some hazy memories, and I was standing in the corridor only that I heard the sound of car. I saw Biji came out from the car followed by mummy and I could not see my daddy. There was crowd outside the car and I heard someone saying that bhaisaab nahi rahe……The moment froze and I was numb and it felt that these dark times would last forever. I had no control on my emotions and the thoughts that I shouldn’t have thought any time began to barrage my mind and making me crazy with negativity.
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