I am highly obliged to the esteemed organization named Brahmakumaris that is providing me support and also galvanizing people all over the world to bring about a momentous and positive change in the lives of the people. It is through the positive contributions made by organizations like them that India will be recognized as the ‘light of the world’ and will be a shining example of peace, harmony and justice and usher in a world where ‘truth always prevails’. The proponents of a ‘new age’ may have divergent viewpoints of what this age will constitute, but as far as I am concerned, there is nothing but beauty and truth I can foresee in the new age.

People of earth have suffered a lot under the scourges of imperialism and colonialism and now in the realm of a multi polar world, where organizations such as the SAARC and BRICS have come together to break the monopoly of the western powers over the affairs of humankind, it is imperative in addition to such political developments, there also needs to be a self-development of the human mind and where each and every individual realizes the value of the religion he or she follows and puts its tenets to practice, as it is a well-known fact that no religion teaches hatred and violence, and every religion leads towards harmony and ultimate union with the Almighty.

It is in this context the soft power that India wields needs to be put into best use and not by military might, and not by the economic clout, but by the strength given by the truth and following the right path of Dharma, India can show the world that bringing heaven on our beloved mother Earth is possible, where life is always a celebration and where there is no place for hatred or discrimination or evil, where there are no wars and where everyone is accommodating and understanding of the differences that diverse cultures have.

During my difficult times, which I term as the lost years, from the mid of 2002 extending right till the mid of 2012, the Bramhmakumaries as an association following universal tenets of brotherhood and peace, helped me a lot by giving me moral and material support. The warm embrace of the members of this organization gave me the strength to cope me with my inner demons and also gave me hope that there is a better tomorrow lying waiting for each one of us and this is worth the every sacrifice that we make today. Let us as people residing on earth not forget that there is still a lot of evil, poverty and suffering in the world and still there are stark inequalities that are plaguing the people of our lovely planet, and still a lot needs to be done. People should also not forget that they shall reap whatever they sow, and evil will only grow more evil, and the path of Dharma alone leads to salvation and paradise.

It is in this context that I want to thank the Brahmakumaries for the support they have extended to me and continue in my not so good times and nurtured and protected me against my own inner demons. The pure, bold and revolutionary minds that the Brahmakumaries have nurtured will always remain indebted to the Brahma baba and the movement of mass purification that he had initiated and there is no doubt that the members of this esteemed organization will be the first ones to enter the heaven on earth.

Stay good and stay blessed. As usual, comments are welcome and always encouraged.