The Laughter of the Gods.

(a brief thought on ethical
discourse in relation to

There is a certain fallacy
in using Divine Arguments
to promote political agendas
of any kind, regardless of
ethical intent.

Yet this has been the case
for ages. There has always
been a close relation between
religion and politics. With
Political Leaders of the time
persuading others to act
morally according to divine
mandates set down by various
“so-called” Spiritual Authorities
throughout History. (Men
speaking on behalf of a God
or Gods/Goddesses whom
they claim to have been
contacted by, yet cannot
verify with any true veracity.)

I say, if man cannot act humane
simply because he is HUMAN..
then he does not deserve to be a
part of any civil, functioning

I’ve met plenty of people..good,
bad, and in between..but as for
God?, One can only assume that it
exists and have Faith in such
Universal Benevolence which
may or may not involve itself
in Human Affairs.

Anytime one who is involved
in politics uses a statement such
as “god will punish the wicked
doers” his concluding statements
are almost ALWAYS necessarily
followed by a personal interpretation
of what is Good, Right, or Just.
(while God of course remains

There needs to be more clarity
in this area of ethical discourse,
because (as Einstein pointed out)
“whoever undertakes to set himself
up as a judge of truth and knowledge,
becomes Shipwrecked By The Laughter
of The Gods.”

I’m not implying that a man or
woman involved in politics should
not be allowed to state their personal
opinion on spiritual matters, but
they should be certain to admit that
it is their opinion ALONE, and not
speak on behalf of any Deity or
Deities which do NOT speak for

“Let man speak for man, and The
“Gods” shall speak for themselves.”


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