Thomas Paine, in his  work
Common Sense,
said that:

Society in every state is a blessing, 
while government (even in its best state)
is but a necessary evil; and in its worst 
state an intolerable one; for when 
we suffer, or are exposed to the 
same miseries by a government, 
which we might expect in a country 
without government, our calamity is 
heightened by reflecting that we furnish
the means by which we suffer…
(end quote)

Truer words have not been spoken 
in over 200 Years, and One should 
always take into account that it is
THE PEOPLE which make any Nation 
or Country Great. thus No Man should 
allow his judgments of a people to be 
shaped by the actions of those Current 
Ruling Factions within That Persons Society.

Yet unfortunately it is no longer the 
case that we “furnish the means by which 
we suffer,” Since people in all societies 
and states have allowed their governments 
to become so corrupt that They Govern
within themselves..choosing who to 
elect as leaders contrary to the views 
of the general consensus. 

The entire idea of “Voting” and a people
choosing their leaders is now a FARCE.
For Elections are rigged, and the “Powers
that Be” decide who shall be 
the Proverbial
Puppet Masters of a State, based on
matters of economic 
expediency and
other personal interests which are
usually in direct conflict with the desires
and needs of The People.

(to be continued perhaps.)


(J.Stephen.H is an upcoming writer and poet based in the United States of America and an ardent friend of mine), and together with his explosive and revolutionary thoughts we want to make up a just global order, as it is with the other supports of

More about Jeremy Hennessee here