Thomas Paine, in his work
Common Sense,said that:
Society in every state is a blessing,
while government (even in its best state)
is but a necessary evil; and in its worst
state an intolerable one; for when
we suffer, or are exposed to the
same miseries by a government,
which we might expect in a country
without government, our calamity is
heightened by reflecting that we furnish
the means by which we suffer…
(end quote)
Truer words have not been spoken
in over 200 Years, and One should
always take into account that it is
THE PEOPLE which make any Nation
or Country Great. Thus No Man should
allow his judgments of a people to be
shaped by the actions of those Current
Ruling Factions within a given Society.
Yet unfortunately it is no longer the
case that we “furnish the means by which
we suffer,” for people in all societies
and states have allowed their governments
to become so corrupt that They Govern
within themselves..choosing whom to
elect as leaders contrary to the views
of the general consensus.
The entire idea of “Voting” and a people
choosing their leaders is now a FARCE..
because Elections are rigged, and the “Powers
that Be” decide who shall be the Proverbial
“Puppet Masters” of a State, based on
matters of economic expediency and
other personal interests which are
usually in direct conflict with the desires
and needs of The Common People.

To combat this Tyranny would require
another Social Revolution, but not of
the kind in days passed involving violence,
and civil warring between classes,( or
territories)..but rather a Collective Cry
from the Hearts of Men and Women
everywhere, who Raise their Voices
above the mighty roar of the governmental
machines which sorely oppress them.
(and keep in mind I am not referring
to any one particular Nation but rather
any and ALL of them who no longer
feel they have a say in who their leaders

I realize that such a thing is no easy
task..because for many years people
of various societies have been indoctrinated
into believing the notion that One man
or woman alone is powerless against the
Machine. Yet what they fail to realize is
that most great revolutions begin with the
whispers of a few courageous men and women
who speak up in the name of truth, and
voice their views to others..then those
individuals tell their peers..and so on..until
soon a Seed of Truth is planted into the
Collective Mind of a People to the extent
that the possibility for change blooms
like a brilliant flower in the night, which
begins the Harvest of Positive Change
for Society as a Whole.

yet.I must agree in some respects
with George Bernard Shaw when he
said that “A revolution rarely lightens
the burdens of tyranny, but rather
shifts those burdens to another set
of shoulders.”
Usually, even the well intended
revolutions begin as positive social
ideas expressed by noble men and
women sincerely eager for change,
yet due to various reasons they end in
greed and tyranny, once those
newly elected into power start using
religious or ethical conundrums to
mislead or once again suppress the
very same people they originally
intended to liberate.
(So Revolution and Tyranny are
in some respects both circular
social phenomena which tread
very fine lines and sometimes
even cross paths until the lines
between the two are indiscernibly
Yet do not allow this reality
to darken your Hearts good
people, because the CHANGE
as I stated can genuinely begin
with YOU, and lead to a Better
World for all of Mankind.
Just remember to constantly
guard yourself against your
own personal wants and vices,..
bearing in mind that all of mankind
deserves to be treated equally,
and if your own personal wants
conflict with the greater needs
of the people, then you must
sacrifice a small portion of your
own happiness for the sake of
a Happy World.
(For I’ve come to discover
that it is often those endowed
with the highest degrees of
social privilege, who become
the ones most sorely tempted
to act as the Slave Drivers
Of Mankind. )
To lead the world towards
positive revolution, you must
remember that (first and foremost)
The Greatest of Leaders are
men and women who lend
themselves to be “Servants” of
their People.
So ..Good People from all
walks, nations, Societies,
and creeds..will you be the
whisper who creates a roar
within the Collective Mind??
(Or the deaf, dumb and
blind who willfully chooses
to be led by the noses down
a Path of Tyranny?
The choice is TRULY YOURS.
(and ours.)
thank you and God Bless.

Know Jeremy Hennessee more by reading his other works: