The year 2014 is drawing to a close and this year saw various developments in the international arena that remind us how challenging this year has been and how much challenges still lie ahead in front of mankind. Starting from home, there was some good news in the form of decisive mandate given to the BJP led NDA government, the magnitude of mandate was such that was not given in the past thirty years and this brought a new nationwide leader amongst the masses who vows to get rid of all the ills facing our nation. The Indian state and its people reaffirmed their tryst with destiny and the democratic process by showing the door to the inefficient and the corruption ridden previous UPA government and paving the way for the current NDA government in Delhi. The Indian people this year have again shown to the world the power of the democratic setup and the power of the ballot by bringing in a new government for the nation that brings with new hopes and aims to fulfill the aims and aspirations of a billion plus Indians.
However, most of the other important events in the year 2014 were not positive and gave a grim reminder to the humanity about the impending challenges that we are facing since long past and would continue to haunt us in the near and far future. The chief among them the spread of the Ebola virus in the western African region and the devastation it has left behind its trail. While the international community, particularly the World Health Organization (WHO) struggled to control the Ebola epidemic, the way that the international community came together to fight this epidemic and help their western African counterparts is praiseworthy. Every tragedy throws up some heroes and villains and same was the case with the Ebola epidemic. Not only did the people of the western African region bravely fought and are still fighting this Ebola epidemic and are struggling to cope up with their daily lives, the way these resilient people have survived all the odds and shown hope to the world by giving out the message that where there is a will, there is a way, the efforts of the people of the western African region are laudable along with those of the international community who are helping them. Amidst all this, there are the villains as well. The villains being the Boko Haram in the Nigeria and various terrorist outfits operating in Kenya who have killed scores of people and kidnapped innocent girls from their school is a grim reminder that terrorism is a scourge that has engulfed the entire world and there is no respite from it anywhere and it is ultimately the people who will unitedly defend the world from this deadly man-made epidemic.
Coming to the middle east, there is still a lot of distance mankind has to cover before it can spread the message of universal peace and brotherhood. The clash of the civilizations is most evident in this region of the world and there is nothing that can be done to avoid an impending final showdown that can decide things one way or the other. The first option with the people of Middle East is the option of peace and democracy and these people are showing the way in the way elections were held in Iraq after the withdrawal of the coalition forces and the faith and affirmation that the people have shown in face of tremendous adversities that have besieged them. The unwanted rise of the Islamic State of the Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) poses a grim reminder to all of mankind about how the scourge of terror can eat up the vitals of humanity by demolishing all that is good in the form of democracy and religious intolerance and instead spew venom and hatred amongst the masses that only leads to mistrust, intolerance and an eventual bloodbath. The people of the Middle East are fighting daily a fight for their survival and fighting for their bright future and the international community is urged to do more to defeat the evil forces led by the ISIL and the other prominent and not so prominent terrorist organizations and free the people of this region that is full of turmoil and violence now from the dark deeds of such beasts who spread only hatred, anarchy and venom of religious tolerance. My heart goes out to the people of Yemen and Syria who are battling such odds and hope they see light at the end of a long dark tunnel of violence and bloodshed. I also congratulate the people of Israel who have shown tremendous wisdom and will to defeat the evil forces of terror by opting for a ceasefire with their estranged Palestinian counterparts and I sincerely hope that peace and prosperity will prevail in the entire region of the Middle East.
As far as Europe is concerned, the successful conclusion of the Scottish referendum like India reaffirms the power of democracy and of the ballot and I congratulate the people of Scotland of coming out in huge numbers and having their say of remaining a part of the Great Britain and reaffirming their faith in the electoral process and in the institution of the democracy. Rest of the European mainland may be reeling under the economic slowdown and may be facing huge number of challenges, chiefly of the economic nature, must also remain vigilant that the dark days of the cold war don’t come back. In this context, the conflict between the Russia and the Ukraine should be a grim reminder to the people of Europe, who have borne the brunt of two world wars that imperialism and expansionism should not be tolerated and every issue should be resolved in the ambit of mutual talks and discussions. I also urge Russia, the home of some of great intellectuals that the world has ever seen in the form of Leo Tolstoy and Chekov to name a few, not to indulge in territorial expansion and to deliver its people from the economic vows that they are currently facing.
Coming to the far east, the rise of the Chinese dominance in the region is bound to cause a lot of friction amongst its neighbors and this has to be balanced by the gradual transition of the Chinese people from the one party system to a system of true democracy that is representative of the weakest and the most dispossessed of the Chinese people. China should recognize the fact that being a important nation in the world affairs, it has to play a part that is responsible and is in accordance with the international law and justice, should also give a major policy rethink and maintain peace with its other giant neighbors India and Japan, and settle the question of Tibet and other burning issues. While I don’t have faith in the current quasi government of the people that holds the power in the Chinese mainland, I have full faith in the Chinese people and hope that they will foster a sea change in the last bastion of dictatorship and one party rule in the world. On the other hand, I would also like to congratulate the people of Hong Kong, who through the Umbrella Revolution have lighted up the candle of democracy amongst the Chinese people and their faith in nonviolent and peaceful demonstrations, though not bearing any immediate results, will definitely help to pave the way for a sea change in the political landscape of China ultimately.
Last but not the least, the United States is standing at a crossroads. Economic data coming out from the US seems to suggest that that the economic recovery of the world’s number one economy is happening and the fear of economic recession and hardships is coming towards an end. However, there are still a lot of challenges facing the society of the United States at large. Chief among them being the racial tensions and how to foster good relationship between the marginalized African American communities of the United States with the other prosperous communities residing there. The American people have since long been the torchbearers of liberty, prosperity, the pursuit of happiness and democracy in the world, and I would urge them not to let these racial tensions, that we have seen in the communities like that of Ferguson to vitiate the harmony and equality of the American society at large.
In the end, I would like to reaffirm my faith in the collective future of humanity that is based on mutual respect, trust, love, friendship and unity in diversity, and hope that mankind is able to resolve all of these issues of enormous complexity. The people of the world have to be untied to fight the menace of disease, terrorism and inequality and injustice and have to work unitedly to form a stable, democratic and a peace loving regime that is fully equipped to take mankind to a whole new elevated dimension. Merry Christmas and have a happy 2015. Thank you.
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