Before I answer this question, I want to ask another question, and that is, who will do the dirty work? There are so many scumbags around and countries like India are grappling with the heavily pressurized city infrastructure that is inadequate to serve the burgeoning populations. Sad to note, but certain pockets in certain Indian cities are akin to living in the hell, without any basic infrastructure, forget electricity or a healthy environment and the current NDA government needs to act faster and more comprehensively.

This brings us to the question that who will do the dirty work of exposing the rot and corruption all around our immediate neighborhood where increasingly people are awakening and are beginning to ask questions like; hey hold on, what did you do with the tax payers money so that we have to be in this situation in the current times?; politicians like Sharad Pawar make me shudder that this man was allowed to become the defense minister of India, that left even this crucial sector to the mercy of war mongers and defense contractors. A weak spine government cannot do justice to India; as has been amply demonstrated by the UPA governments. It needs to deal with the iron fist towards those who indulge in the corruption and rape of our institutions.

Now let us jump to China and observe what is happening there. Tibet was always a problem for them and increasingly they are facing problems on a huge scale on their north western frontiers where people are starting to wake up and question; what happened to our lives? When will the people of mainland China rise? Internet censorship may work to a certain extent to save the fledging and iron fisted quasi communist government whose time has come to vacate the seat of power to a more assertive and people oriented government of the people that represent the lowest rungs of the Chinese people. People will never forget the brutality and barbaric acts by the communist government in the era of the so called ‘the great leap forward’ or the massacre of youths in the capital city of China in the year 1989 June month. The imbalance that has been created by the quasi communist government regime in China has exposed the very rot that is plaguing the people of China, a people who are refined, resilient and forgiving. However, the illegitimate communist government in China that is propagating the one party system leave the people of China with little choice in determining what is best for their future. In the same manner, by going back on their promises made to the people of Hong Kong, the quasi communist government is making things worse for itself.

This now leads us to Russia and all that I can say about them is ‘Oh….those Russians’! I have never observed such a concentration of intelligent, intellectual and refined people as they are found in Russian Federation and I am not sure why no one is speaking up on the misadventures being carried out by Putin. Russian people are intelligent enough to note that they are not ‘serfs’ of some wanna be dictator and they are sane enough to thwart attempts to take Russian pride and rich history on the negative side. People all over the globe are now beginning to increasingly assert themselves and the western nations should aid this process, however only after keeping their own house in order first. With so much happening around the world, areas like the middle east and Africa are going to define what course the human race is going to take in the coming future in tandem with the entire world population. Stay safe and sane, and keep the vigil strong.